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Phases of the Moon: A Guide to Moon Rituals

Phases of the Moon: A Guide to Moon Rituals

The moon's phases and spiritual tools can greatly affect our lives, creating a harmonious synergy that constantly changes. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, our intentions and desires ebb and flow. 

We create a stronger bond with ourselves and the universe by matching our goals with the energies of each moon phase. We use spiritual tools such as crystals, candles, incense, and meditation. 

Through this intentional journey, we invite transformation, manifestation, and a heightened sense of purpose. As we explore this cosmic partnership, we find the ability to create a better and more satisfying life, step by step.


The Phases of The Moon

The progression of moon phases follows a systematic and anticipated pattern, rather than occurring randomly. Over the course of its 29-day orbit, the moon's location shifts on a daily basis. It alternates between being situated between the Earth and the sun and being positioned behind our planet. The moon's surface is lit up differently by the sun, causing different phases to be seen.

Within each lunar cycle, the moon undergoes eight distinct phases, comprising four primary phases and four secondary phases. The primary phases encompass:

  1. New moon
  2. First quarter
  3. Full moon
  4. Third quarter

These phases exhibit regularity, occurring at specific times within every month.

The four secondary phases don't follow strict schedules. They represent the moon's transitional stages between the primary phases. For instance, the moon might remain within one of these phases for a duration of seven days. These secondary phases include:

  1. Waxing crescent - The Moon appears as a small curved shape after the New Moon. It is not visible because the Sun and Earth are on different sides. "Waxing" signifies growth, while "crescent" describes the curved, sickle-like shape.
  2. Waxing gibbous - The waxing gibbous phase occurs between a half moon and a full moon, signifying its growth in size. "Gibbous" means the moon is more than half lit up but not completely, between a half moon and a full moon.
  3. Waning gibbous - The Waning Gibbous phase occurs as the illuminated portion of the Moon diminishes from 99.9% to 50.1%. This phase initiates shortly after the Full Moon and continues until the Third Quarter Moon. "Waning" means getting smaller, while "gibbous" refers to its round, bulging shape.
  4. Waning crescent - In the Waning Crescent Moon phase, the illuminated portion of the Moon diminishes from 49.9% to 0.1%. This phase extends from the semicircle of the Third Quarter Moon until it vanishes from sight during the New Moon.


moon symbolism

The Symbolism Behind the Moon Cycle 

Every phase of the moon offers a chance to manifest, contemplate, act, or unwind. Aligning with the moon's rhythms is inherently intuitive. The moon has deep meaning for people from different cultures and times, connecting with their souls in a spiritual way.

  • The moon's changing shape reflects the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. It goes from new to full and back again. This symbolism speaks to the inherent potential for personal growth, transformation, and the perpetual renewal of our existence.
  • Feminine Energy: The moon is often associated with the divine feminine, embodying qualities of intuition, nurturing, emotional depth, and wisdom. In many cultures, lunar goddesses personify these aspects, reminding us of the nurturing and compassionate dimensions of spirituality.
  • Inner World and Intuition: Just as the moon illuminates the night sky, it also illuminates the path to navigate our inner landscape and emotions. The soft glow of the moon reflects the quiet voice of intuition, encouraging introspection, self-discovery, and the unearthing of hidden truths.
  • The moon's changing phases reflect the relationship between our conscious and unconscious minds, sometimes bright and sometimes hidden. It represents the mysterious parts of life, encouraging us to explore our minds and discover what is beneath the surface.
  • Dualities and Balance: The moon embodies the harmony of dualities: light and darkness, day and night, yin and yang. It teaches us to find balance and harmony in the face of opposing forces. It reminds us that darkness and light are important in our journey.
  • Guidance and Illumination: Historically, the moon guided travelers through the night. In the spiritual realm, it signifies a beacon of guidance and illumination along the paths of life. Even in moments of obscurity or uncertainty, the moon's presence reassures us of the insights that emerge from darkness.
  • The moon in the night sky symbolizes eternity and the never-ending cycles of existence that are witnessed by multiple generations. It speaks to the continuum that transcends life's beginnings and endings.
  • Connection to the Divine: Across spiritual traditions, the moon serves as a link between the earthly and divine realms. Its celestial essence fosters wonder and connection to a greater cosmos, urging us to explore the sacred and transcendental dimensions.
  • Mysticism and Magic: The moon's mystique has kindled a sense of magic and mystery. Its phases align with rituals, spells, and divination, underscoring its role as a conduit for accessing spiritual energies.
  • Emotional Healing: The moon's gravitational pull shapes tides, and its connection to water associates it with emotions. In this sense, the moon's energy offers a channel for emotional release, cleansing, and healing.

The moon is more than just a celestial body. It is also a guide, nurturer, mirror to the self, and a bridge to the sacred. The moon encourages us to contemplate its bright presence and its spiritual significance. It invites us to think about its bright presence and its spiritual importance.


Lunar intentions

Lunar Intentions and Manifestation Rituals

The moon enables us to explore our desires. It also allows us to express gratitude. Additionally, it helps us let go of what no longer helps us. Lastly, it aids in creating a self-care routine. 

One method involves delving into the specifics of each moon phase and its corresponding symbolism. Once you've gained an understanding of these meanings, the process of aligning your intentions with our companion moon becomes straightforward.

  • The new moon: setting goals, revitalizes stagnant areas, and is a good time to set intentions for change.
  • The waxing crescent moon: Embrace the waxing crescent moon as a window to strategize and lay the groundwork for your upcoming endeavors.
  • First Quarter: The first quarter moon heralds the time to transition from contemplation to action, inspiring you to initiate and pursue your goals with determination and vigor. Check in on the progress that you’ve made thus far. 
  • Waxing Gibbous: During the waxing gibbous moon phase, the focus shifts to refining your plans and pushing forward with resilience, fine-tuning your strategies as you approach the culmination of your efforts. A time to check in with yourself and figure out what you really want.
  • Full Moon: The full moon marks a significant juncture for celebrating your wins and releasing what no longer serves you, inviting you to let go of burdens, habits, or situations that hinder your growth and well-being. 
  • Waning Gibbous: As the waning gibbous moon graces the sky, it's a time to reap the benefits of your endeavors, collecting the rewards of your hard work and reflecting on the progress you've made.
  • Third Quarter: The third quarter of the moon signifies a period of release, encouraging you to let go of what no longer aligns with your path, making space for new opportunities and growth.
  • Waning Crescent: During the waning crescent moon phase, it's an ideal time to embrace rest and reflection, allowing yourself to recharge and introspect before the cycle begins anew.


Moon ritual tools

Moon Ritual Tools

Moon rituals can be enhanced by various tools that help you connect with the energy of the moon, set intentions, and create a meaningful experience. While the effectiveness of these tools is subjective and based on personal belief, here are some commonly used items that can elevate your moon rituals.

  1. Candles: Candles symbolize light, transformation, and spiritual presence. Lighting candles during a moon ritual can create a sacred atmosphere and focus your intention. Choose colors that align with the moon phase or your intention, such as white for clarity or blue for intuition.
  2. Crystals: Crystals are believed to amplify energy and intentions. Select crystals that resonate with the moon phase or your desired outcome. For instance, amethyst for spiritual growth, rose quartz for self-love, or citrine for manifestation. Placing them on an altar or using them in a crystal grid can enhance the ritual. 
  3. Altar Items: Create a dedicated space for your moon ritual using items that hold personal significance. This could include pictures, herbs, symbols, candles, crystals, artwork, or objects representing your intentions or deities you resonate with.
  4. Moon Water: Collecting water under the light of the full moon is a common practice. Moon water is thought to be charged with the moon's energy and can be used in various ways, such as for cleansing or anointing.

To initiate a full moon water ritual, set your intention and fill a glass jar with filtered water. Allow the jar to bask in the light of the full moon overnight. The charged moon water can then be employed for cleansing or as a base for crafting ritual tools like Florida Water.

5 Essential Oils: Essential oils can evoke specific energies and emotions. Incorporate oils like lavender for relaxation, frankincense for spiritual connection, or sandalwood for grounding. Use them to anoint candles, crystals, or yourself.

  1. Incense or Sage: Burning incense, Sage or Palo Santo can cleanse negative energy and create a ritualistic atmosphere. The scent also serves to awaken your senses and deepen your connection to the ritual. Nag Champa is a favourited incense for cleansing and connecting. 
  2. Journal and Pen: Writing down your intentions, reflections, or messages during the ritual can be a powerful way to clarify your thoughts and track your progress over time. If you’re releasing something that no longer serves you, you may want to write this down on a piece of paper and then rip it up or burn it under the full moon.
  3. Tarot Cards: Drawing cards can offer insights, guidance, and inspiration for your intentions. Choose decks that resonate with you and your moon ritual's purpose. One of our customers' favourite decks is the Moonology deck by Yasmin Boland. 
  4. Musical Instruments: Using instruments like singing bowls, chimes, or drums can enhance the sensory experience and create a meditative atmosphere during the ritual.
  5. Moon Phases Calendar: Having a moon phases calendar helps you plan your rituals according to the moon's cycle. It allows you to align your intentions with the energies of the different phases.
  6. Ritual Clothing: Wearing special clothing that makes you feel connected to the ritual can help set the mood and put you in the right mindset.
  7. Symbols of Deities or Spirits: If you follow a specific spiritual path, you might include symbols of deities or spirits that you work with. These symbols can serve as focal points for your connection to higher energies.

The most important part of a moon ritual is your intention and the meaning you give to each tool. You can use any of these tools or make your own to connect with the moon's energy and your spiritual practice.


Lunar crystals

How Crystals Can Benefit Your Moon Rituals 

Crystals are often used in conjunction with moon rituals to enhance the spiritual experience and intention-setting process. Many people believe that these Earth-derived gems can amplify energy, focus intentions, and deepen the connection to the moon's phases. Here's how crystals are thought to enhance moon rituals:

Amplifying Intentions: Each type of crystal is believed to possess unique energetic properties that can align with specific intentions. For example, clear quartz is often associated with clarity and amplification, while amethyst is linked to spiritual growth. By selecting crystals that resonate with your ritual's purpose, you can enhance your intentions and bring additional focus to your goals.

  1. Energy Channeling: Crystals are thought to absorb, store, and radiate energy. During a moon ritual, you can hold or place crystals in your ritual space to help channel and amplify the energy of your intentions. The energy of the moon's phases combined with the energy of the crystals is believed to create a synergistic effect.
  2. Alignment with Moon Phases: Different moon phases are associated with specific intentions. For instance, the new moon is often linked to new beginnings, making it a good time to set intentions. During a new moon ritual, you might use crystals that support fresh starts and intentions, such as citrine for manifestation or moonstone for intuition.
  3. Meditation and Focus: Holding or gazing at a crystal can serve as a focal point during meditation, helping to anchor your thoughts and intentions. This can be especially beneficial during moon rituals when you're seeking to connect with your inner self or the energy of the moon.
  4. Creating Sacred Space: Placing crystals around your ritual space can help create an energetically charged environment. Some people create crystal grids, arrangements of crystals in geometric patterns, to amplify intentions and energy. The symmetry of these arrangements is believed to enhance the overall ritual experience.
  5. Charging and Cleansing: Crystals can be charged under the light of the full moon, absorbing its energy. This process is thought to cleanse and re-energize the crystals, making them more effective tools for future rituals. Placing crystals in a windowsill or outside during a full moon is a common practice.
  6. Enhancing Sensory Experience: The physical presence of crystals can enhance the sensory experience of your moon ritual. Touching and holding crystals can create a tactile connection that deepens your engagement with the ritual and its intentions.

It's important to approach crystal use with an open and respectful mindset, as the effects are based on personal belief and spiritual practices. Whether you believe in the metaphysical properties of crystals or simply find them aesthetically pleasing, incorporating them into moon rituals can add depth and intention to your spiritual practices.


Crystals Aligned with Moon Phases 

New Moon: Setting Intentions

Crystal: Moonstone

Benefits: Enhances intuition, new beginnings, setting intentions.

Incense/Essential Oil: Frankincense and Lemon


Waxing Crescent Moon: Growth and Manifestation

Crystal: Clear Quartz

Benefits: Amplifies intentions, clarity, growth, manifestation.

Incense/Essential Oil: Cinnamon


First Quarter Moon: Action and Pursuit 

Crystal: Tiger’s Eye 

Benefits: Inner strength, confidence, and motivation

Incense/Essential Oil: Cedar


Waxing Gibbous Moon: Improvising and Editing

Crystal: Howlite

Benefits: Awareness, clarity, expression 

Incense/Essential Oil: Sandalwood


Full Moon: Culmination and Release

Crystal: Selenite

Benefits: Cleansing, charging, releasing negativity, clarity.

Incense/Essential Oil: Nag Champa, Frankincense, Sage


Waning Gibbous Moon: Reflection and Letting Go

Crystal: Amethyst

Benefits: Spiritual insight, emotional healing, letting go.

Incense/Essential Oil: Jasmine and Lavender


Third Quarter Moon: Release and Allowing Opportunities for Growth

Crystal: Fluorite 

Benefits: Deeper connection, clarity, creativity

Incense/Essential Oil: Dragons Blood


Waning Crescent Moon: Rest and Reflect

Crystal: Rose Quartz

Benefits: Self love, healing, compassion

Incense/Essential Oil: Rose 

These crystals and incense/essential oils, aligned with specific moon phases, can enhance your intentions and energies during different periods, helping you make the most of these cosmic influences.



The moon's natural cycles offer us a meaningful framework for reflection and intention-setting. By incorporating lunar rhythms, we connect with the world and find inspiration from a timeless source. The moon always changes and reminds us of life's constant flow. We use simple rituals to invite its energy and guidance on our journey.


Bogus, Darren. “Moon Symbol: Meaning & Significance in World Cultures.” Shop LC Blog, 13 February 2023, https://blog.shoplc.com/moon-symbolism/. Accessed 20 August 2023.

Buckle, Anne, et al. “Current Waxing Crescent Moon.” Time and Date, https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/waxing-crescent.html. Accessed 20 August 2023.

Freudenrich, Craig. “Moon Phases | HowStuffWorks.” Science | HowStuffWorks, 7 September 2022, https://science.howstuffworks.com/moon4.htm. Accessed 20 August 2023.

Gelb, Macie. “First Quarter Moon Rituals.” Kellee Maize, https://www.kelleemaize.com/post/first-quarter-moon-rituals. Accessed 26 August 2023.

Haduch, Gabrielle. “Last Quarter Moon Spells Anyone Can Do.” Kellee Maize, https://www.kelleemaize.com/post/last-quarter-moon-spells-anyone-can-do. Accessed 26 August 2023.

Harker, Erin. “Waning Crescent Moon // Energy + Rituals — The Magick Makers.” The Magick Makers, 25 January 2022, https://themagickmakers.com/blog/waning-crescent-moon-energy-rituals. Accessed 26 August 2023.

“New Moon: Harness The Energy & Make It Work For You | mindbodygreen.” MindBodyGreen, 16 December 2022, https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/new-moons-101-and-what-they-mean-for-you. Accessed 26 August 2023.

Stewart, Tenae. “What To Do During Moon Phases: How To Use Moon Rituals For Self Care.” Whimsy Soul, https://whimsysoul.com/what-to-do-during-moon-phases-how-to-use-moon-rituals-for-self-care/. Accessed 26 August 2023.

“What Are the Moon’s Phases?” NASA Space Place, https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/moon-phases/en/. Accessed 20 August 2023.