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What on Earth is Calcite?

What on Earth is Calcite?

Calcite (CaCO3) is a rock-forming mineral that can be found almost anywhere. It's the primary constituent of marble and limestone, and attractive specimens can also be faceted or used for cabochons.

The Physical Properties of Calcite

Calcite can appear in a variety of colors, from white, yellowish and colorless, to more vibrant colors like pink, orange, and a bluish shade. It has a relatively low Mohs hardness of three, and it most prominently comes with rhombohedral cleavage. Calcite can exhibit fluorescence, thermoluminescence, and phosphorescence, and its transparency ranges from transparent to opaque. Calcite also has vitreous or resinous luster when fashioned into ornamental objects.

Calcite can be found all over the world, but some of its important gem localities are in Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Iceland.

The History of Calcite

The name calcite comes from the Latin word calx which means lime, as in limestone. It was named as a mineral by Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus). It's a mineral that has been in extensive use ever since the ancient times. Construction materials, abrasives, pigments, agricultural soil treatments, etc., all contained calcite in one form or the other. As a constituent of marble, you can find calcite in many of the monuments of the ancient world.

The Lore of Calcite

According to legend, the ancient Egyptians were quite fond of calcite. They fashioned it into artifacts and also adorned the tombs of the Pharaohs with it. It was significant in their culture as the earth element, and they believed it amplified energy as well as cleansed the body from energy blockages. Nowadays calcite is more commonly associated with all four elements, and its uses and effects on our energy depend on its color.

The Metaphysical Properties of Calcite

Calcite helps us become aware of our behavioral patterns that are deeply rooted in our psyche. With its effect on our energy, calcite is capable of grounding our spiritual experiences in the physical world. The knowledge we acquire through this process helps with the challenges of everyday life, and we can see our bad habits as well as how to fix them. You can use white or clear calcite to balance all seven chakras, but if you wish to focus on specific ones, orange and yellow calcite match the sacral and solar plexus chakras, while black calcite corresponds to the root chakra.

It's believed that due to its calcium content, calcite relieves back pain and increases stamina. Additionally, calcite can help with bone-related problems, as well as cartilage and teeth problems. Blue calcite is excellent for de-stressing and relaxation, as it helps induce sleep and calm you. When you know you're going to have to deal with stressful situations, it's good to have calcite by your side, as it also helps improve learning and analytical skills, memory, and power of discernment.

Overall, calcite is exceptional for strengthening both your body and your mind, clearing and focusing your energy and helping you gain the necessary awareness to make right decisions.